Jumat, 25 Januari 2013

Contoh Skripsi Bahasa Inggris


A.    Background of The Study
Education is changing of behavior, habit, attitude and skill (ability). This changing process happens after someone interact with  environment. (Nasution in Hadneh, 2005 : 1) . We know that the aim of education in indonesia is the making students to develop basic character good citizeans. Our society needs as well as provide students prerequisite for future studies to increase the quality of education that sould be achieved by the society.
Many way can be used to improve students’ English achievement. One of them is reading many English books. Reading is one of the skills that much be thought, by reading, we can get information, knowledge, and pleasure. Now days. There are so many books written is English and the students are thought English in all level of school up university.
The priority of the students ability in reading recount text in school because it can over there others skills. The habit of people, who often read books written in English, will make them easy to master the other skills. As achin (in hadneh, 2005:1) stated that reading skill involves the tree other skills: listening, speaking and writing.
In a learning process the recount to work, the reading materials is the main goal but fact school that the mayority of the students are not competent in this skill. The student can increase knowledge in reading recount text through read like : recount, narrative, and descriptive.
Therefore, the students’ ability is necessary to be delovep especially in improving reading recount text of the students, because reading recount text can help students expand to skill and comprehension student in reading recount text, in order to student able to understand aim from content recount.
So, based on the statement above, to find out the students’ ability in reading recount text of the second year students at SMP Negeri 1 Praya Barat Daya in Academic Year 2010/2011.
B.     Statement of The Problems
Based on the background of the study. The statement of the problem is what extent is  the students’ ability in reading recount text at the second year students of SMP Negeri 1 Praya Barat Daya in Academic Year  2010/2011?
C.    Purpose of The Study
Problem statement above, the writer tries to get a target in this writing should be achieved thet to measure the students’ ability in reading recount text at the second year students of  SMP Negeri  1 Praya Barat Daya in Academic Year 2010/2011.
D.    Significance of The Study
The significances of the study are:
1.      The theoreticat significances
The students are expected to understand reading recount text so, the result of the study will give information about how to cope with the difficulties understand and students motivation in reading recount texts particularly second year students of SMP Negeri  1 Praya Barat Daya in Academic Year 2010/2011
2.      The practical significances
The writer wants to find the students’ difficulties in understanding reading recount test so, the result of the study will encourage them improve to skill in reading recount text.
E.     Assumption of The Study
The research conducted is based on the assumption :
1.      The students are encountered a sum of reading questions, naturally based on  the text.
2.      The instrument used to collect the data is true in measuring the students’ ability of reading recount text used at SMPN 1 Praya Barat Daya in Academic Year 2010/2011.
F.     Hypothesis of The Study
Hypothesis is a powerful tool on scientific inquiry, because it is a tentative answer. It enables us to find real answer by doing research and relating it to the theory.
The hypothesis set forth the current study is worth considering. However, they still need to be proved under the results of finding later. There are two kinds of hypothesis: null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis.
Based on the theoretical  of view, the hypothesis of this research can be formulated as follws :
1.      The Alternative Hypothesis (Ha)
The second year students of SMPN 1 Praya Barat Daya in Academic Year 2010/2011 are able in reading recount text.
2.      For statiscal analysis (Ho). The second year students of SMP  Negeri 1 Praya Barat Daya in Academic Year 2010/2011 are not able in reading recount text.
G.    Definition of The Key Terms
To avoid misunderstanding in this study, it is necessary to explain some terminologies related to this thesis:
1.      Reading
Finochiaro and bonomo (in hadneh. 2005: 3) State that: Reading is “bringing meaning to and getting meaning from pointed or written material”. Burn at all (in Hadneh, 2005: 3) defined reading as the interpretation of the meaning of printed symbol. In this extend reading text is denote to the text which are expected the students’ understand.
2.      Recount text
(Seaton, in Siti Rahmawati, 2008: 5) State that: Recount is a reconstruction of something happenes in the past. It is the unfolding sequence of events overtime and the purpose is to tell what happened. Recounts begin with by telling the reader who was involved what happened where this  event took place and when it happened. In this research recount text means to the text  (written works which consists of several paragraphs ) which are expected the students to understand about recount text.


A.    Reading
1.      What is Reading
Reading is active process in which reader shift between source of information (what they know and what the text says), elaborate meaning and strategies check their interpretation (revising when appropriate), and use the social context to focus their response (Tarigan, 1979: 4). Next reading is creativity, meaning that the creativity reader brings to the material skill of comparison and synthesis the ability to use new relationship and arrive at devinitely conclusion (Burns et al, 1989: 6).
Since communicative courses focuses on message rather then the from, the reading skill is redefined to focus on the purpose of reading. (Hodgson in Nuryanti,2009: 4) stated the reading is process and also utilizet by reader to get message word media/ language write. From linguistic facet, reading is recoding and decoding process.
(Anderson in Yudhistira,2009: 5) stated that the target of reading is to look for and to get information embarrasses feels and reading meanings, some target of reading are:
a.       Reading for details or facts
b.      Reading for main ideas
c.       Reading for sequence or organization
d.      Reading for inference
e.       Reading to classify
f.       Reading to evaluate
g.      Reading to compare or contrast.
2.      Activities of Reading
A proficient reader must coordinate a number of skills. He must read rapidly as well as with a through understanding of the subject matters. Followings are step of reading, namely: (wiyacharta in afzalurrakhman, 2008: 6) skimming is the skill to read quickly and selectively in order to obtain a general idea of the material. There are them methods of skimming:

a.       Preview
By the preview the students can find out the book or articles that written by the authors in a certain field whether the authors have their own format of writing.
b.      Overview
Overview is a reading activity to find out sections that they are ability.
c.       Survey
Trough a survey the students will get general idea of that material contains; skimming is the skills tahat help the students read quickly and selectively in order to obtain a general idea of the materials.
1)      Pre reading activity
By conduction pre reading activity, we can help students to relate their knowledge to the text they are going to read. there are two kinds of important. Knowledge involved in reading, knowledge of the language and knowledge of the text .
2)      While reading activity
To lead students to resd more effectively, it is advisable for the teacher to facilitate students with questions before the read.
3)      Post activity (follow up activity)
Careful planned follow up activities can add fun enjoyment to a reading lesson.
3.      Kinds Of Reading Materials
(Jack C Richacd in Nurhayanti, 2009: 7) classified reading materials into two kinds namely:
a.       Artificial materials
The material quoted from any text book. It is the material, which is mandible prepared for the purpose of instructional activities. This material same time makes students bored, because the message is implied not more student’s ability.
b.      Authentic materials
Authentic material, especially reading material any kind of literary work, which is used as the material the teaching reading. This material mainly not prepared for instructional activities for other purpose of reading.
English teacher nowadays assume that of material is worth full since:
1)      Aims when using a reading text
The teacher should decide first what their aims are:
a)      To teach basis reading comprehensions skill
b)      To teach real life reading skill
c)      To devlop critical reading skill
d)     To reinforce certain grammatical feature
2)      Method of teaching reading
Methot will be depend on the aim and focus on two aspects:
a)      Presenting a text
(1)   Arouse the student’s ability
(2)   Draw their attention to their own previous knowledge and experience, which will help them to attack the text.
(3)   Give reason for reading
(4)   Pre teach any important words or concepts.
b)      Developing the reading lesson
The teach can do some of the thing develop reading skill:
(1)   Preview
The student can be finding out the book or article written by specialist in a certain field.
(2)   Skimming
Skimming is the skill the help the students read quickly selectively in order to obtain a general idea of the material.
(3)   Scanning
On the hand, scanning help the student read quickly  for the specific information such as one scan pages of the newpaper to find particular articles to read.
B.     Text
Generally there are three models of language which shows now a text is influenced by the contexts (Hammond et al in Puspitasari, 2009: 17)
1.      Context of Culture
A language is used by the people that have same cultural background. Context  of culture caused the development of many kind of text or genre. British are familiar with the kind of text such as, narrative text, conversation. Thus, the native speakers also need to study how to tell events (recount) both orally and written.
A text can be short and simple, but it must be structural and easy the reader to understand it. For example, in transactional conversation the students learn how the language and also learn the rhetoric’s ways that are usually used by the native speaker.
2.      Context of Situation
a.       Field means anything happened in the text, the topic of the text (subject matter) who involved, what happened, where it happened, how to happened, and so on.
b.      Tenor is the interpersonal relation between the character (who are involved) in the text.
c.       Mode is the channel of communication between oral and written language.
3.      Text
Text is something written or read. Text is not word unity but text is a semantic unit (Holliday in Puspitasari, 2009: 18).  These semantic units are realized in the from of word, clause and sentence. When we read or write means we create a text. A dialogue or conversations that emphasize meaning called text. (Holliday in Puspitasari, 2009: 18) also stated when we communicated or event just as a listener or reader we have created a text indirectly.

C.    The Term of Recunt Text.
There are some kinds of text (genre) in English teaching, for example, expository, discussion, and explanation. Recounts, narrative, and anecdote. The based competency which dealt with the mastering of this type of text is the students should be able run communication both orally or written.
            A recount is a text that has social function to retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaiming. When you tell about happenings in the past it means that you make a recount text. Recount texts refer that tells a story that has happened in the past. It can be from of personal letters, diary, history, biography or autobiography and the similar (depdiknas,2004: 26)
            Derewianka in depdiknas (2004: 34) listed out three major types of recount text:
1.      Personal Recount
Personal recount describe an event where the writer or the author is doing the action by himself. It includes in the story, funny events which is written on the diary.
The characteristic of personal recount is that the use the first person pronoun, personal respone to the events can be included ( usually at the and of the recount).
2.      Factual Recount
Factual recount describes the facts of events, such research report, the magazine, and so forth.
3.      Imaginative Recount
Imaginative re-count describes the unfactual story or fiction, for example, the text for teaching language. The imaginative recount usually written in the first person, and need not to include personal reaction.



A.    Research Method
This research tries to measure the students’ ability in reading recount text. The method of the study is a descriptive method. Descriptive method means a research method wich is used to study the status of a community, an object, or a set of condition, a system of thinking or an event on present (nazir in hadijah, 2008: 23). Data obtained were analyzed by applying basic statistical computation.
B.     Population and Sample of The Study
1.      Population
Population is the number of the people having at least the same characteristic (hades in faizin, 2004: 21). Another definition that is similar to that given by Donald Ary  (in faizin,  2004: 21) said that population is a number of people defined events or objects. From the two definitions  above, a simple definition of population is a set (or collection) of  all elements prossessing one more attribute of ability.
The number of population of study is all of the second year students of SMPN 1 Praya Barat Daya in academic year 2010/2011. That consists iof 1 class. In each class consists of 26 students, so the total population in this research is 100 atudents.
2.      Sample
 According to arikunto, sated that if population are less than one hundred that is better to take all of population to be subjects of the research. If the number of population is more than one hundred it suggested taking 10-15 % or 20-25 % (arikunto, 1991: 107). The consist of 4 class namely class VIII 1 is 25 students, class VIII 4 is 25 students. The totoal of all students from 4 classes is 101 students. So, the writer takes 26 students (17%) of total number. This number of population is representative enough for the subject of the research. This sample class is VIII 3.
C.    Method of Data Collection
This study finds out the data at the second year students of SMPN 1 Praya Barat Daya in academic year 2010/2011. The data are obtained from the research instrument used follow:
Reading test.
The data of research are collected by used reading test. The tezt is given to students understand about that, the purpose of giving tezt is to know the students’ difficulties in understanding reading recount text. And the next, the writer gives test reading one by one in front of class. Until that the writer will used question in test reading, kind of reading test is multiple choices that consist of 20 questions, take from reading test and have to test 26 students.
The look for the correct answer to know the students understand in reading skills which is used as reading text.

D.    Data Analysis Procedure
The analysis of the data is done based on the data collected in from of score through the steps:
1.      Collect the result of students’ test.
2.      Analysis the students’ mistake uses grammar and reading recount text.
3.      Calculate the students’ mean score in reading recount text by using formula:
Where :    
=  Mean Score of The Students

=  The Total Score of The Students.

=  The Total of Students (Gay, 1981).
4.      Table identifying the students’ ability
Table I. identifying the students’ ability
Fairly good


A.    Data Description
This chapter deals with the data description and discussion based on the data “ The Students” ability inreading recount text: A Survey At The Second Year Students At SMP Negeri 1 Praya Barat Daya in Academic Year 2010/2011”.
After collection the data, the writer gave four criterions for the students’ ability in reading recount text: good level, fairly good level, poor level, And failed level.
Based on the students’ score on the students’ ability in reading recount text, the writer classified them as follows: 10 students were classified in good level, 7 students were classified in fairly good level, 3 students were classified in poor level, and 6 students were classified in fail level.
Table II. The students’ score on test reading recount text
Name Students
Correct Answer
Student Score
ahmad Dalail
Alan Sastra Diningrat
Fairly good
Ami Ardiutami
Bq. Ami cahyanika
Bq. Faarmi isniarti
Dewi Marta Ningsih
Fairly good
Erna Wati
Hawariatun Munawara
Heti Aulia
L . Mahendra Saputra
M. Khotibul U.B
M. Ridwan
Fairly good
Nurul Hidayati
Paliyena Sarbini
R. M. Rifki Komala Aji
Riza Kurnia Harfizi
Fairly good
Samsul Rizal
Sarfin Effendi
Fairly good
Taslina Septianintyas
Failrly good
Siti Salamah
Teguh Samudra
Yulia Atira H.M
Nia Titian Dini
Fairly good

Total Score
Mean Score


From the table above, it was shown that the students’ score and classification. To obtained of the students’ mean score the writer applied the formula as follows:
Where :    
=  Mean Score of The Students

=  The Total Score of The Students.

=  The Total of Students

Calculation :

The calculation showed that the mean score of the second year students of  SMPN 1 Praya Barat Daya in Academic Year 2010/2011 was 57.5. based on the previous classification, the score above was classified  as fairly good. The six standard intervals values of students’ score as follows:
1.         80-100 is classified as excellent
2.         66-79 is classified as good
3.         65-56 is classified as fairly good
4.         49-55 is classified as poor
5.         30-39 is classified as fail
The test consists of 20 items. The writer decided to use one hundred as the highest value. Therefore, the score of each correct answer are six, based on six intervals from the collection data: 10 students were classified good (66-79), 7 students were fairly good ( 65-56), 3 students were poor (49-55)and 6 students were fail (30-39).
B.     Discussion
This heading present about the students’ ability in reading recount text. The writer got data from reading text. It can be elaborated as follow.
Reading test
Referring to the statements of problem in the second year students of SMPN 1 Praya Barat Daya in academic year 2010/2011 find difficulties in learning reading recount text. The data were obtained from reading test. The 26 students were tested. They answered the reading recount text.
From the result of the data obtained, the writer found the second year students of SMPN 1 Praya Barat Daya in academic year 2010/2011 have ability in reading recount text. It can be seen from the table 10 students got good score, 7 students got fairly good score, 3 students got poor score, 6 students got fail score, and the total mean score is 57.5. the highest score is 100 and the lowest score is 50. From percentage, the writer can conclude that the students of SMPN 1 Praya Barat Daya in academic year 2010/2011 are still 57.5 is classified as fairly good in understanding and determine the main idea in a paragraph.
Based on the study, the writer seen that the students are not able in two points above because of some reasons. The fist, they do not have special books prepared in the school, so the students cannot study from different book to develop their recount text in two points above. The second reason is because the students often absent in the class, so the students are lack of the material in deceloping their reading skill mainly in two points above. The third reason is the students are not able to understand the text and its question. So they did not answer the question well. It happen because
1.         The students did not understand how to find out the main idea, so they did not answer the question well.
2.         The students have lack understanding of the paragraph
3.         The students did not know meaning of some sentences of the text.
Based on the data above, the answer of statement of problem in chapter I is the students get lack score on reading recount text. Thus, the teacher must always feel need to stimulate their students motivation to learn the material which they were given by the teacher and try hard to practice, to achieve the objective that their teacher given for them.


A.    Conclusion
In this part. The writer concluder the result of the study, it can be inferred that the students’ ability in reading recount text at the second year students’ of SMPN 1 Praya Barat Daya in academic year 2010/2011.
It is obtained the writer got the value of the students’ ability in reading recount text of VIII3 the mean score was 57.5 is classified fairly good. This conclusion is based on the students; result of reading text one class in this  case the descriptive one class get lack score of the students. It meant the students’ ability in reading recount text who lack is 57.5 the classified fairly good.
From the result on the table, writer classified them as follow: 10 students were classified in good (66-79), 7 students were classified  in fairly goog (65-56), 3 students were classified in poor (49-55), and 6 students were classified in fail (30-39).
The null hypothesis (Ho) which stated” the students do not able in readingrecount text” is definitely accepted and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) “the students able in reading recounts text” is clearly rejected.
As stated in previous chapter I that the null hypotheses (Ho) of the writing are;
1.         The second year students of SMPN 1 Praya Barat Daya in academic year 2010/2011 are not able in reading recount text.
2.         The second year students of SMPN 1 Praya Barat Daya in academic year 2010/2011 got 57.5 is classified fairly good score in understand reading recount text.
B.     Suggestion
Observation the finding above, the writer provides some suggestion are follow:
1.         The teacher should always realize “reading” is a skill is quick comlex and difficulties students to learn.
2.         Because of the “reading ” is a skill and skill must need a lot of exercise, so that the teacher should always try to choose good reading materials and give the students a lot of exercise.
3.         The teacher is hoped to motivate the students understanding of the reading recount text given, he/she can ask the students to the reading it in from of text.
4.         In reading leraning process, it is suggested to the teacher to be aviding word by word learning reading skill.

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